This is a nice (though limited - want more!) interview with Dr. Robert Svoboda, author of the Aghora trilogy. i really like his writings though don't agree on some points - mainly because of the straying from traditional thought. A piece of this interview hits the nail on the head on bhagavAn agni. This is the reason why agni is so important even from a ritual perspective e.g. the compulsory aupAsana for married couples.
6. For an aspiring student of the Veda sampradaya what is the message you have?
A two-word message: bhuta shuddhi. The entire world of manifestation in general, and our human bodies in particular, are composed of the Pancha Mahabhutas, the Five Elements. The more these elements are purified in ourselves the better each of will be able to perceive reality. Of these five perhaps agni, or fire, is most important, because it can transform density into subtlety and vice versa. The first word of the first verse of the first hymn of the first mandala of the first of the Vedas, the Rg Veda, is agni; to truly study the Veda or any body of wisdom that has emerged from the Veda it is I believe essential to develop a personal relationship with fire, however that might manifest for you.
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