Monday, May 15, 2006

More tummy journalism

Is this a conspiracy to irritate me? Barely a week there's another story of a tummy upset! In case you missed the earlier example of glorious journalism here it is.
And the newsletter i subscribe to again classifies it as a 'Newsbreaker'.

This story too gives all the gory details - see the underlined phrases in the print-screen below:
1) Where she puked (yikes!)
2) How she feels terrible eating Khichdi (a plain rice dish)

And very creative sub-headings like 'Chaat Chatka'. For additional fun read the caption of the snap - translates as 'Till when shall i continue having Khichdi? Man.


Sandeep Bhasin said...

Its a pity that the news papers are busy giving us such mindless news!

Anonymous said...

Is this a conspiracy to irritate me? Barely a week and Mid-day carries another story of a tummy upse